Friday, December 03, 2004

Yet Another SocialNetworking Site or YASS Update

YASS Update is yet another of those
Social Networking Sites. At last count, their were more than 50. Find my best-effort list below. Social Networking Services Meta List
  1. .node
  2. AudioScrobbler
  3. Affinity Engines
  4. Barnraiser
  5. Business Parc
  6. Contact Network
  7. Doostang
  8. ecademy
  9. eConozco
  10. eGrupos
  11. Eliyon
  12. EntreMate
  13. Friendly Favors
  14. Friendster
  15. GoingProfessional
  16. Growth Company
  17. Huminity
  18. I’m Not From Here
  19. InterAction
  20. ItsNotWhatYouKnow
  21. Join Network PLUS
  22. Konnects
  23. LinkedIn
  24. Link Silicon Valley
  25. matcheroo
  26. Mediabistro
  27. Meetup
  28. Monster Networking
  29. Multiply
  30. NetMiner
  31. Netmodular Community
  32. Networking For Professionals
  33. Online Business Networking Resource
  34. Open Business Club (openBC)
  35. OrderGenerator
  36. Orkut
  37. Point Relevance
  38. Polypol
  39. PowerMingle
  40. RealContacts
  41. ReferNet
  42. Reunion
  43. Ryze
  44. SelectMinds
  45. Shortcut
  46. Silicon Valley Pipeline
  47. Spoke Software
  48. StumbleUpon
  49. Sullivan Executive Networking Community
  50. Tacit - ActiveNet
  51. TENG
  53. Visible Path
  55. WisdomBuilder
  57. Yelp!
  58. Zerendipity Networks
  59. Zerodegrees
  60. ZeroToNetwork

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Small correction: Barnraiser is not a social networking site. They are an organisation that is dedicated to giving people the tools they need to share knowledge and further society through social software.

They make a social networking platform called 'aroundme' which is available under gnu/gpl free software license.

Don't mix them up with the commercial YASS sites - these guys are making great open source software!!